Dear Agent Toy Ride

You were assigned the top secret task of delivering highly classified information to our funky friends. Your beloved toy-cars were modified to confidentially carry our secret messages- aim and roll them carefully towards their targets, without crashing too fast into them!

Good luck with your very top secret and mega cool mission

- Sincerely Mrs. Dino the bada** boss of like a space station that is very secret and like totally sick

How to Play

Match the symbol to the right agent.
Hold the left mouse button to charge the car!
Note: The car has to 'just reach' it's target, without crashing too fast into it.

This game is part of the 'HAW-GameJam 13' with a theme of 'Transport'

RedMeeple - Programming
Jilabelle, Morlshmorl - Art work
Bridget Plum - Sound design


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